Explore Münster by Bike

A bicycle belongs to every inhabitant of Münster. Or two? Or three? Not quite, but about 500,000 bicycles per 310,000 inhabitants. Hardly any other city has such a well-developed network of bike paths and so many special offers related to cycling. There is an almost car-free city center, expressways for bicycles and the largest bicycle parking garage in Germany.

Newcomers don’t always have an easy time navigating the scurrying crowd of cyclists. And out-of-town car drivers sometimes drive back home drenched in sweat.

The most beautiful bike path in Münster, everyone agrees, is the Promenade – the car-free ring around the city center – unique in Europe. From here, all places within the city area can be easily reached by bicycle.

But it’s not just cycling in the city center that has its appeal; the entire Münsterland region is crisscrossed by a network of around 4500 km of cycle paths. There are over 200 circular routes, themed routes and much more.

Bikes Parking

Discover Münster and the Münsterland – of course in style by bike. Start your city center visits or bike tours in the surrounding countryside directly from the Hotel zur Prinzenbrücke. So that you can park your bike dry and safe during your stay at the hotel, we offer free storage in our bike garage. The garage is accessible at all times with your room key. Of course, the offer is valid only as long as there is space in the garage.

Rental Bikes

You have not brought your own bike or spontaneously need a bike. Here is a small selection of rental stations where you can rent bikes:

Radstation Münster

Berliner Platz 27a
48143 Münster

Phone 0251-4840170

E-Mail: info(at)radstation-muenster.de
Internet: www.radstation.de

Opening hours:
Monday till Friday: 5.30 am – 11.00 pm
Samstag / Sonntag: 7.00 am – 11.00 pm


Homannstraße 64
48167 Münster

Phone 02535-95052

E-Mail: info(at)muensterlandrad.de
Internet: www.muensterlandrad.de

Opening hours:
After arrangement


Servatiiplatz 7
48143 Münster

Phone 0251-511228

E-Mail: team(at)drahtesel-muenster.de
Internet: www.drahtesel-muenster.de

Opening hours:
Monday till Friday: 10.00 am – 7.00 pm
Saturday: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm

Arkaden Radstation

Königsstraße 7
48143 Münster

Phone 0251-48412642

E-Mail: info(at)arkaden-radstation.de
Internet: www.arkaden-radstation.de

Opening hours:
Monday till Friday: 9.00 am – 6.00 pm
Saturday: 9.30 am – 2.00 pm

In our hotel you are welcome to rent bikes at any time upon advance reservation. So you can explore the surroundings on your own. Just notify us in advance that you want to go on a bike tour and we will organize everything else for you.
You can find more information about rental stations in and around Münster, among others, on the website of Münster Marketing as well as on the website of Münsterland e.V.

Bike Tours

You spend a weekend in Münster and want to enjoy the fresh air? Or are you on site for a longer period of time and want to go on extended one- or multi-day bike tours? No problem. The offer is large. Plan your own tour or join guided tours.

Interesting information on cycling tours in and around Münster can be found, among other places, on the website of Münster Marketing and on the website of Münsterland e.V.